34 Weeks Pregnant with Twins – Pregnancy Brain!!!!

34 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Headed to Labor and Delivery for fetal non-stress tests and bio-physicals at 34 weeks pregnant with twins.

Headed to Labor and Delivery for fetal non-stress tests and bio-physicals at 34 weeks pregnant with twins.

“A baby born prematurely at less than 37 weeks of age is called a preemie. The AVERAGE twin birth occurs at 35.2 weeks. This is the most common reason for twins to require NICU admission.” (Twins 101. Fifty Must-Have Tips. By Khan-Van Le-Bucklin, M.D., M.O.M.* Mother of Multiples). (This is one of the books I’ve read in preparation. Quick, easy read. I recommend).

This book has over 6000 reviews and recommendations.

This book has over 6000 reviews and recommendations.

And here I am – 1.2 weeks away from that looming statistical date. At 34 weeks, I am measuring 50 weeks. (I am also literally 50 inches around now – to put that into perspective, 12 more inches and I will be as big around my waist as I am tall)! I have Braxton Hicks contractions hourly that make me stop in my tracks, literally. I am in the bathroom so often that it’s LAUGHABLE. I can’t eat hardly anything with my “squished” tummy but need to get weight on these babies, so protein shakes it is. Sleeping is a CHORE (or a JOKE), whichever way you want to look at it, driving is nearly impossible and I am in constant, uncomfortable pain. If I lay down, I can’t breathe. When I am standing, my sciatic nerve is kicking me in the butt, and when I am sitting, my lungs are squished and breathing is not normal. Even the skin on my stomach is tight and tender. And wow, when my 20-month old daughter decides to jump on my belly, let’s just say it HURTS BIG TIME. But I am DOING JUST FINE! It’s the same for every multiple pregnancy! We all go through this – it’s NORMAL. It’s also TEMPORARY and for such an amazing outcome! It’s so wonderful because as I am closing in on the end of this pregnancy, I am getting very excited about meeting these two precious babies. I am lucky because my blood pressure is completely normal, I have no swelling, no protein in my urine to suggest preeclampsia, no signs of labor and the doctor hasn’t put me on bed rest or even modified bed rest. So knock on wood, these are all blessings from above. I am praying I make it to 37 weeks. The longer they stay inside me, the less time they will be in the NICU.

I now have weekly fetal non-stress tests and bio-physicals to keep a close eye on the twins in the Labor and Delivery unit of the hospital because it’s the only place they can hook up three monitors at a time. Being there brings back a RUSH of emotions as I IMMEDIATELY recall the HOURS of labor I endured only 20 months ago with Mattelyn. I walk passed “my room” each time I walk in and I feel the same rush of happiness, excitement, anxiety and pain deep in my uterus! LOL!

I am hooked up to three heart rate monitors to track the twins' hear rates and mine.

I am hooked up to three heart rate monitors to track the twins’ hear rates and mine.

It is so amazing to watch and listen to BOTH of their hear rates on this monitor! You can see they are almost in unison.

It is so amazing to watch and listen to BOTH of their heart rates on this monitor! You can see they are almost in unison.

On a humorous note, I CAN’T FOCUS. On Anything. I guess if I am going to have a problem, this is a better one to have.

I have read this is so common, especially at this point in the pregnancy. Often referred to as “pregnancy brain.” They attribute it to an increase in blood and for a pregnant mom of multiples, the increase of blood supply is triple a normal pregnancy. It is rushed to your head and often makes concentrating on any one thing impossible. They also say it can be because of an increase in progesterone, a decrease in sleep, etc. Whatever it is due to, it is REAL, And, I can’t seem to just ACCOMPLISH any one project before I am whisked away by my mind…

It always goes something like this, ”Hmmm, Mattelyn just went down for her nap – be extra productive! I should finish packing that hospital overnight bag.” That should be fairly easy and a good place to start. Pack an extra comfy outfit to wear home from hospital. Okay, first, you need to exchange the Victoria’s Secret hoodie that you bought in a “large” for an “extra large” – seriously, what was I thinking? I am going to be leaving the hospital after giving birth via C-section to TWINS. I am not going to want anything that “fits” only that which is loose! Set that aside to take downstairs, locate the receipt and put in pile to exchange this weekend.

Okay, moving on. Pack the small amount of makeup you need. Wait! Each piece of MAC makeup that you have to bring, the plastic center has popped out. I could super glue them back on. Okay, add that to the Target list – “buy Superglue.” Wait, do we have some already? Oh hell, I will just GO to MAC then I can buy new stuff anyway, which I need to do. Wait. It’s NOVEMBER, I’m not going to “quickly run to MAC at Woodfield mall” – it’s Santa season there.

Every piece of my MAC make-up has this center plastic piece popped out. Not a big deal, but annoying as I Just want to be able to USE IT and PACK IT.

Every piece of my MAC make-up has this center plastic piece popped out. Not a big deal, but annoying as I Just want to be able to USE IT and PACK IT.

Okay, moving on. Pack the newborn outfits that they will wear while there and the two going home outfits. Shoot – I have to wash them. And anyway, I don’t know if I need preemie nighties or newborn nighties – I wonder how much they’ve grown? Will they be 4lbs? 6lbs? Wash them both and bring both? But I swore I wasn’t going to look like that first time mommy who clearly packed her entire closet AND the babies closet this time around…UGH. Wait to pack that until after ultra sound appointment on Thursday.

Okay, moving on. Receiving blankets – can’t forget those. My favorite ones from Pottery Barn Kids that I had for Mattelyn – didn’t we get some? The larger size ones that worked out so well for me as I am not the best swaddler?

No, we didn’t. Actually, we didn’t buy any receiving blankets. Or the newborn beanie hats they should have while in the hospital. Okay, that’s a different list. Added. Moving on.

Extra large sized swaddling/receiving blankets from Pottery Barn Kids are my favorite and really did make a big difference for me.

Extra large sized swaddling/receiving blankets from Pottery Barn Kids are my favorite and really did make a big difference for me.

That reminds me, I need to make a list of things to have Matt bring when he goes BACK home after they’re delivered – curling iron and brush that I use daily, face cream and hairspray and…

WAIT – can’t forget the breast pump! (DID YOU KNOW? Breast pumps are now covered under most health insurance plans? Click here to read.)

Breast pumps covered under health insurance.

Breast pumps covered under health insurance, like this Medella Breast Pump which I own.

The pump is in the twins’ closet. Also, gotta’ remember the winter car seat cover-ups, too. Let’s see, one is from my cousin Michele and it’s in a box in the closet in Mattelyn’s room and the other is Mattelyn’s that was packed away with her newborn stuff that’s all in crates in the basement after the move.

Okay. Write that down and plan to locate all of that. New list. You know what? Forget it, I’m just going to go downstairs to the garage and find that now. Oh yeah, we bought the car seats and there they are, in the boxes, on the floor, in the garage. We’ll get those installed too at some point. Because, otherwise we can’t bring the babies home from the hospital.

Speaking of not being able to bring them home from the hospital – we gotta’ figure out their names. They have to have names to leave the hospital. Why can’t we figure out names? What is so hard about knowing you have to name someone FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES??? That’s a whole different issue right there. DAMN. Why am I out in the garage? What am I doing again???

Shoot, I hear Mattelyn waking up from her nap. At least grab the trial size things from the bathroom that Matt bought for me to have in the hospital. I can pack that and then I have more than just my nightgown and a pair of socks packed. Back upstairs. ARE THOSE MY ROOTS IN THE MIRROR?? OMG – when am I going to find time to get my hair highlighted before I deliver? Between doctor appointments and Matt’s schedule… Add reminder in phone – contact Sonja, my wonderful hairdresser. Oh who am I kidding? FORGET IT. Nails won’t be done, no pedicure and no hair highlights. “Let it go. It’s not about you anyway.” Time to get lunch and go to the post office. UGH. Seriously? I didn’t get ONE THING PACKED?????

Did that stress you out? It wasn’t meant to stress you out – just to let you know how it feels and if you’re going through the same feelings, you’re NOT alone! I must say, any expectant mom has had this same feeling at some point. The odd part is, I thought this time, since I’ve been through it all before and not that long ago, I would somehow be reaping the benefits of that knowledge. And instead, it’s added to the complete chaos in my brain!

That was only one small item on my big to do list. It’s so funny how completely attention deficit I am right now. It’s amazing I am getting ANYTHING done. But I am.

I am currently reading three different books about twins – sleep, schedules and breastfeeding. I’ve learned SO MUCH. That could be part of this, too. Compartmentalizing all the knowledge. (Not to mention my desire to share what I learn as an outlet I’ve grown to love – blogging – right here. Sharing knowledge, experiences, feelings, hopes and dreams).

This weekend, I hope to finish up the twins’ nursery, too!! My last blog entry was the Twins Nursery Inspiration Board. I can’t wait to show you where I’ve gone with that little expedition of inspiration!

Twin Nursery Inspiration Board

Twin Nursery Inspiration Board

Until next time, won’t you follow my blog? I am reaching a great number of you and would love to have you along for this crazy ride. Would also love to hear from you!

XO ~ Stephanie